Introducing the Cormate Super Utility 27: Pioneering Speed and Innovation in Sports Boating
Read the latest update on Our brand new Super Utility 27, wich won the “Boat of the Year 2024” at the Oslo International Boatshow.
Cormate T28: Finalist in “Motorboat of the Year 2024” Award.
Cormate T28 – Motorboat 2024 Awards finalist.
Hardt arbeid og fornøyde kunder.
Hardt arbeid og fornøyde kunder skaper gode resultater for Cormate. Ettermarked blir enda for å skape den gode kunderelasjonen.
Siste nytt fra båtbransjen – Finansavisen 30.09.23.
Varierende resultater i båtbransjen. Cormate har et fantastisk år sett i forhold til konkurrentene. Tjener penger på godt design og kvalitet.
Cormate Chase 32 – International Premiere!
The brand new Cormate Chase 32 will have it’s international debut on this year’s Southampton International Boatshow. Our UK & France dealer FINE DESIGN MARINE will attend and showcase the new Cormate Chase 32 this September in Southampton. The Cormate Chase 32 is the single installation option of the Award-winning Chase model series. When Chase […]
Hyggelig lesning i Finansavisen MOTOR.
Cormate åpnet en suksessfull storstue og helårs showroom utenfor Fredrikstad med kjempegod mat og drikke, faglige innspill og besøk av Finansavisen MOTOR.
Cormate T28 – A sportsboat sensation – Motor Boat & Yachting Magazine.
Finally the sea trial done by Hugo Andreae in Motor Boat & Yachting is here! Last fall, during the Southampton Boat Show in September, we had a visit from Hugo Andreae at Motor Boat & Yachting Magazine. Together with his colleagues he took Our brand new Cormate T28 for a sea trial. Now, the verdict […]
Båtmagasinet har vært på besøk.
Vi hadde Båtmagasinet på besøk under åpningen av nytt showroom her hos Cormate. Her kan man se alle Cormate modeller utstilt året rundt.
Cormate åpner nytt showroom.
Cormate har et helårs showroom med alle modeller utstilt, og her kan du se både den splitter nye Chase 35-modellen og SU27 utstilt.
Few boats are perfect, but some come close, and the Cormate U23 is one of them! – Powerboat & RIB Magazine.
Powerboat & RIB, the Adventure Boat Magazine, did a thorough test of Our Cormate Utility 23 this fall. They had a lot to say about this boat, and we here at Cormate are both proud and happy to hear what boatjournalists like about our top-selling model. With feedback like “no compromize in quality”, “a driver’s […]
Cormate T28 – The Best Sports boat You never heard of – Motor Boat & Yachting Magazine.
During the Southampton Boat Show in September 2022 we had a visit from Hugo Andreae at Motor Boat & Yachting Magazine. And his immediate feedback after seeing the T28 was very rewarding for the Cormate team to hear. Last time Hugo tested the Cormate T27 he concluded with that experience being his “best day on […]